Rafal Piesliak | Little Apocalypse of Mine
His creative process often involves repurposing discarded household and industrial objects, transforming them…
Paulina Domašauskaitė | Liquid Swords
Her works are a balancing act: they juxtapose clean, precise forms with chaotic, expressive brushstrokes, exploring themes of…
Maciej Gąbka | User Experience
The exhibition depicts our everyday lives, where any behaviour that is considered outside the norm is noticed and has…
Dino Lumina: Step Into the Jurassic at the Dallas Zoo
PaintScaping has a history of pushing the boundaries of projection mapping, delivering spectacular results on iconic…
What the Body Carries: A Journey Through Haitian American Identity at the Frist Art Museum
Their works explore how immigrant bodies carry not just memories but a “hybrid reality,” shaped by both the homeland left behind and the new worlds…
Virginia Jaramillo: Principle of Equivalence – Bechtler Museum of Modern Art
This exhibition celebrates Jaramillo’s immense contributions to American abstraction and her ability to weave…
Apollo Art Auctions Presents Islamic and Asian Treasures
This meticulously curated event offers a museum-quality selection of Islamic, Indian, Chinese, Korean, and Tibetan artworks…
A Campo Traviesa: A Journey Through Abstract Landscapes
Working across diverse locations, his creative process transforms sensory impressions into…
The Experience Beyond the Auction
Rooted in a shared vision of innovation, this collaboration underscores the synergy between Marriott’s experiential approach to hospitality and Sotheby’s expertise…
Celebrating Creativity in Motion: The 5th ColorPro Awards by ViewSonic
This prestigious competition brought together over 10,000 entries from more than 100 countries…